July Muzik Playback!

I honestly don’t have a lot of things to update you guys on from July 🙁 I’ve still been in the mode of listening to “older” music and my comfort playlists. Not to say that I haven’t been enjoying any of the new music that’s been dropping. I do mention some of those new favorites…

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Celebrating 8 Years with Muzik Junqie!

And we’re back to celebrate another year of Muzik Junqie. I still can’t believe I have had this blog for this long. But I am proud for holding on to it for this long, especially with all the struggles I’ve had. I have learned to not put too much pressure on myself, and to just…

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Fall is Here! Muzik Playback!

I know it’s been a while since I have done a music post/ Muzik Playback post. And while trying to plan in between concert adventures, and other life things, I just didn’t make the time to write up something. Plus, I have been struggling with finding inspiration/ motivation to write and create content in general…

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What in the K-Pop?! A K-Pop Update!

I’m back! 🙂 Other than work keeping me busy and draining me of any creative energy, I have had some doubts about doing another K-Pop post like this. This was going to be my attempt at catching up on some new music from my favorites. But with some of the drama that’s popped up recently,…

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September Muzik Playback!

I’ve had a lot of new music to catch up on from August and this month (September). But I am only going to talk about the ones that I really liked and really stuck out to me. It’s more solo releases from some of my favorite K-Pop, K-R&B, and K-Hip Hop artists. I’m a little…

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My 1st Ever KARD VIP Experience!

It always feels good when I get to share a concert experience with you all. This time I got to see one of my favorite K-Pop groups KARD in Dallas, TX at the Majestic Theater. I was also lucky enough to get VIP/ Hi-Touch for this show as well. It was a very special experience…

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