5 Solo Ladies You Should Check Out ASAP!

Another last minute change while working on a Muzik Update post. I was originally going to group these ladies with some other male artists for a New Muzik post. But as I sat here and watched the music videos for these talented ladies listed below, I determined that they deserved their own post. They are…

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Somo:Fume! The Debut Album from Jay B!

I have been working on a New Muzik post, mainly with Jay B’s new solo debut album in mind. Then I realized that a lot of the other new releases I have been enjoying had something in common. They all belong to the same “family” of record labels, H1GHR Music and AOMG owned by Jay…

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August Vibes! New Muzik Favs (So Far)!

And I am back with a lot of new stuff to share! First, I want to share some of my favorite new releases that have come out so far this month. I am pretty sure that there will be several more before the month is over. But, some of my older favorites, like Astro, SF9,…

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July Muzik Playback & Other News!

July is almost over, and it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, but I hope this means that I can get back to doing Muzik Playbacks, Updates, etc… regularly again. Keeping up with new music became more of a chore for a while, but I kept up with my favorites as much…

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Let’s Catch Up! June Recap & Update!

The idea for this post has been re-written too many times to count. But I finally decided to go with this idea. Even though I have been spending a lot more time away from blogging and my social media pages, I have been enjoying things that I love. I will share some of those things…

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