My KOD Tour Experience!

Just a little FYI… This KOD Tour Experience is not going to be one of those “Fangirl” moments or experiences. I only say that because I didn’t meet anyone, or experience anything other than just going to the actual concert. It wasn’t a boring experience by any means, but the perspective may come across a…

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August Playlist (& Catching up with some of my Favs)!

Happy Monday! It’s August, summer is almost over, and it’s been too long since I shared a playlist with you guys. I’ve been keeping up with my own Apple Music & Spotify playlists, full of a ton of songs that I’ve discovered since Summer basically started (if not before that). But I want to focus…

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My WCW Playlist! Feat. H.E.R.

Happy Thursday!  Today I want to let you inside of my WCW Playlist, featuring one of my favorite soul women H.E.R. I know I talk about the guys in music a lot but I do have a lot of women that I love to listen to as well. And as of late, I have discovered…

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Music Review! Astroworld

Happy Tuesday! You know, I have a lot of reasons to be happy about this music review for Travis Scott’s new album Astroworld. Obviously, because everyone (including me) has been waiting on this record, especially with all of the teases from Travis on social media. But because someone had the nerve to say that they…

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Mini FanGirl Experience! Meeting Raheem Devaughn

I almost didn’t post about this since it wasn’t your typical “FanGirl Experience” story but meeting Raheem Devaughn was a very eventful day so you may find it interesting LOL. This is definitely one of those times where working in radio actually matches what people think that it’s like in real life, everyday. Because, trust…

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