Author Archives: Mimi

MCM: Myles Parrish

Okay, so, for today, I wanted to (re)do this post, making sure that I didn’t forget to talk about the other half of duo Kalin & Myles. I’ve already talked about Kalin White and his solo project but this week I want to talk about Myles Parrish. Myles is about 24 right now, and was…

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Music Review: Chapter 21

With this review, I feel like I need to re-introduce you to Kalin White…   Even though I am a new fan and have only been listening to him for about the last month or so, I wanted to cry after listening to this new album. I’m already an emotional person, especially when it comes…

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Music Crush! ABT LST NT (About Last Night)

Hi Guys! I have another exciting Music Crush to tell you guys about on this Monday! They are an International vocal group consisting of cuties Jackson Owens (New Zealand), Jack Taylor (Wales), Mikey Bromley (England) and Eben Franckewitz (Ohio, US) who are based in Los Angeles. Now I first came across this amazing boy band…

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MCM: Kalin White

Happy Monday! I honestly love moments like this when I get to talk to you about someone whose music I truly adore. In this case, this particular artist, Kalin White, is my Music Crush and Man Crush. And since I am done fan-girling over him on my social media for the moment (at least I…

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Niall Horan Makes Solo Debut!

As someone who loves music and keeping up with my favorite entertainers, this week has been very interesting. A lot happening in my fan girl world LOL. I am going to talk about some of that today but I promise that there is plenty more to come. Today I want to talk about the fact…

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