I’m a little late with this one but with a lot of other people or music, it’s better late than never, right? There were two factors that pushed me to finally write about Trevante Rhodes. One factor was finally watching Burning Sands and Birdbox on Netflix, after going back and forth about this little film turned phenomenon for the movie streaming company. The second was learning that he has ties to Louisiana (my home).
Trevante Rhode’s Impactful Acting Career So Far…
Let’s start with Trevante’s resume up until this point, shall we? He ran track and played football while in college at the University of Texas. I believe that he got the acting bug later in his college years before making the move to California after graduation . Two of his biggest roles to date have been in the Academy Award winning Moonlight (2016) as adult Chiron (along with some amazing black actors and actresses) and Netflix’s Birdbox (2018) as Tom (starring alongside Sandra Bullock).
He was also in Jay-Z’s “Family Feud” music video alongside Michael B. Jordan. That music video was already a star-studded affair so seeing that they had recruited him also, just adds to the power behind that casting. But he definitely deserves to be put in that type of company. I just see him becoming even more special than he already is, and I know I’m not the only person that sees that.
Now, Trevante is obviously attractive and has the most gorgeous smile so I won’t focus on that LOL. What sticks out to me the most, though, is his personality and the way he speaks and expresses himself. It’s not just the way that he comes across through his movie characters but the way he carries himself in interviews. In an interview that I watched recently, he mentioned how confident he is and it definitely shows.
The Rise of Strong Black Lead Roles
I love seeing more Black lead roles in movies, especially in new genres where you don’t normally see us as leads and the industry is becoming much more inclusive. One awesome example of that is what Netflix is doing with their “Strong Black Leads” campaign. I follow their social media pages and the group picture that they took to kick it all off was beautiful. And one of my favorite recent interviews with Trevante was dealing with this exact initiative and he was interviewing and being interviewed by his Birdbox co-star Lil Rel.

Netflix: Strong Black Lead Photoshoot
Follow the movement on Twitter & Instagram @strongblacklead
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Twitter & Instagram @_Trevante_
*Article photo courtesy of www.cinemathread.com*